Friday, September 28, 2007

Yoo-Hoo! Is there anyone out there?

I guess it's too much to hope that there's anyone out there reading my blog anymore. I have shamefully neglected posting. (However, according to Site Meter, there's still some people out there who haven't totally given up on me) There's no good excuse- I've been busy, but I'm usually busy! Well, this one will be one doozy of a long post. Maybe it will raise my standing in the knit blog community. Never fear, however, I've gotten lots of knitting done and taken lots of great pics.

I don't really know where to begin, since I' ve missed blogging on so many subjects. First of all, though-here's the meme that my good buddy Karen in NC sent me:

Four jobs I have had:
1. Sales Clerk at the old Units Stores (HeHe)
2. Secretary for Alpha Insurance Agent
3. Unit Secretary/ Nurse Tech while I was in nursing school
4. Manager/Supervisor for the Birth Place-- gack, don't miss it a bit!
Four places I have lived:
1. Forest Park, Ga (when I was born)
2. San Antonio, TX
3. Alamogordo, NM
4. McDonough, Ga
Four Favorite Foods:
1. Sushi
2. Steak & Shake Chili Mac
3. York Peppermint Patties
4. Yellow Cake with Chocolate Icing
Four Places I Would Rather Be:
1. Orange Beach, AL
2. Disney World
3. Snow mobiling in Montana, Wyoming, etc.
4. Truth be told, I'm at home right now, and it's really one of the best places to be!
So, Melissa, Brittany, Ramon, Karen, and Lily, tag you're it!

Secondly, Melissa and I got to go hear the Yarn Harlot at Knitch!!! She was great- I wish I could tape her talk and play it when other people look at me like I'm crazy for wanting to knit all the time! If you've ever seen her, you'll know what I'm talking about. It was amazing seeing 700+ people in one building who all love to knit. The whole evening rocked.

As far as knitting goes, I have started and finished one of my Hogwarts Sock Pal's socks and then ripped back the whole thing again. I just didn't like the look and should have went with my gut instinct at the beginning. Don't worry though, Lily, I'll be done by Halloween!! This is after starting 2 other different patterns and one other type of yarn. I finally decided on ArtYarns Ultra Merino. Isn't it funny that one of my pet peeves in life is when people are wishy washy, and yet with knittingI seem to be the worst!

Anywho, I've started working again on my horseshoe lace scarf, my classy slip up socks (using Claudia Hand Painted Yarn-delicious!), and another Hedgehog for a very important girl (more to come on this one) and a blanket for Nick using Crystal Palace's Bunny Hop yarn in the Faded Jeans colorway ( it was supposed to me for my nephew, but I ended up making him the Debbie Bliss Raglan sweater. There'll be pics of the blanket and the Hedgehog when there's more to photograph). Speaking of said baby sweater, it ended up being adorable, but I forgot to take a picture of it before I presented it to the baby's mommy. Never fear, my sister-in-law is supposed to email me the picture I took with their camera.

Here' s your Friday Eye Candy- the beach is from when Steve and I went to the condo back at the end of August (it was a great trip-like a second honeymoon), and the others are just neighborhoods around my house this morning. I really love the dirt road with the sun coming down through the trees.

We've got a busy weekend planned-a powderpuff football game tonight, Nick going to a friend's house, tennis lessons, golf in the morning.... on and on and on! Here I go jumping into it with both feet!
Happy Friday.

PS-Brittany-I finally posted!